Welcome to the Plat Tracker
Plat Tracker allows land planners, civil engineers and surveyors to submit subdivision
plat applications for review and presentation to the Houston Planning Commission.
Applicants and the public will be able to track the progress of plat applications.
Regional agencies that have an interest in land development in Houston and Houston's
ETJ will use Plat Tracker to share files and communicate their comments to the Planning
staff for each application.
The general public can keep up with land development proposals in their neighborhoods
by viewing and downloading Planning Commission agendas, data spreadsheets regarding
applications, meeting minutes, etc.
RESOLVED - PlatTracker not receiving real time payment notification problem.
All proceedings of the Planning Commission and the Major Thoroughfare and Freeway Plan public hearings are conducted in person only. Anyone wanting to provide comments may continue to do so in person or via email, phone or mail. To watch a live broadcast, please visit
Planning Commission Agendas
Current Agendas
Current Agenda (pdf)
Current Agenda (spreadsheet)
Current Agenda by Council District (spreadsheet)
Previous Agendas
Jan 23, 2025 Action Agenda (pdf)
Jan 09, 2025 Action Agenda (pdf)
Previous Agenda (spreadsheet)
Previous Agenda by Council District (spreadsheet)
Planning Commission Calendar
Commission Meeting Schedule 2025
Chapter 26 Submittal Dates 2024
P&D Calendar of Events
Fee Schedule – Effective January 1st
View the Finance Department’s Fee Schedule
for the Planning and Development Department. The new fee schedule becomes effective January 1 of each year. The new fees apply to applications submitted on or after the effective date.
NEW fee and procedure for
subdivision plats requiring public notice!
The Planning and Development Department will begin collecting a notice mail-out
fee for all subdivision plat applications that require public notice per Chapter
42-47 and 42-83 starting January 6th, 2017. Instead of providing addressed, stamped
envelopes with your public hearing or variance application, you will pay a fee of
approximately $3.00 per address that must be notified. This fee covers the cost
of preparing and mailing the notice package.
New information will be required on the Plat Tracker pages listed below for subdivision
plat applications requiring notice:
- Step 2: Check "Notice Mail-Out"
- Step 7:
Enter the "Notice Mail-Out- No. of envelopes per appraisal district records"
Step 8: Verify the amount to be paid
You are no longer required to bring a notification packet with envelopes as the
department will be responsible for preparing envelopes for mailing letters to all
property owners in the notice area.
These changes will start appearing on Plat Tracker around December 20th and this
fee will apply to new applications submitted on or after January 6th, 2017. Any
applications in incomplete status during this transition period will still provide
the notice mail-out packages. Additional information will be made available on our
webpage as we approach this date.
Signs are still required:
You must continue to place the notification sign on the property as required by
Chapter 42 and send pictures of the sign to the staff to verify the placement.
Having trouble?
Browser Information
The Plat Tracker website looks and works best when viewed with
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher and a minimum screen resolution
of 1024 x 768 screen size (or greater).
Contact us at